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Route 66 Bible Road Trip

This is going to be fun!  A church family summer road trip on historic Route 66.  Every Sunday we will learn of an historic landmark on this iconic highway, including the Cadillac Museum, World’s Largest Catsup Bottle, Meteor Crater, Meramec Caverns, Gemini Giant, etc.

This is called the Bible Road Trip because if you add the 39 books of our Old Testament and the 27 books of our New Testament this equals 66 books total.   Every Sunday we will learn of an historical Bible verse on our Spiritual ‘Route 66’ highway. We will include the most familiar and beloved Bible narratives, such as…The 10 commandments, David and Goliath, the Lord’s Prayer, John 3:16, etc.


Additionally, we have a few actual summer road trips planned for our church family. On Sunday evening, June 23 we will travel for a swimming pool party and yummy refreshments. On Sunday afternoon, July 14 we will travel to Kansas City for a tour of the Negro League Baseball Museum and eat good Kansas City Barbecue on the way home. Keep your ears open for other road trip opportunities in the month of August.


Another feature in our road trip is our summer daily Bible reading program. From June 2nd through August 17th, we have selected 66 of the most influential Bible verses for us to know. All of us can be reading these verses together, no matter where our personal summer travels might take us. Additionally, each week we will have a feature devotion from our daily readings prepared by one of our own church members. This will be a really nice personal touch to our summer reading program.


One final detail: “Gentlemen, start your engines!” We know summertime is the ideal time for family vacations, reunions, and personal road trips. So, please let us know where you are!  We have a bulletin board U.S. map to chart our congregations’ destinations this summer. When you are out and about, send us a Facebook message, email, or text and let us know where you are. (Pictures are always welcome!) We will place pins on our map to track our congregations’ journeys. Safe travels! All we need is YOU! (We hope you will join us on our summer road trip, you will be glad you did!)


See you Sunday! As always, we will save you a spot in the ‘Holy Place’.    


Pastor Troy and the Worship Ministry Team

Daily Summer Bible Reading Schedule

One unique feature in our road trip is our summer daily Bible reading program. From June 2nd through August 17th, we have selected 66 of the most influential Bible verses for us to know. All of us can be reading these verses together, no matter where our personal summer travels might take us. Every day’s reading will be about 10 minutes in length. Additionally, each week we will have a feature devotion from our daily readings prepared by one of our own church members. Here are this week’s readings:

Let Justice Roll Down Like a River

Amos 5

And Jesus Said, “Follow Me.”


In the first chapter of John’s gospel, we find Jesus calling the first disciples.  A couple of them ask him, “Where are you staying?”  Jesus said, “Come and you will see.” A little later Jesus selected a few more disciples and then simply said, “Follow Me.”

Now it’s hard for me to imagine just getting up and going along after someone you don’t know, and have only heard things about him say, follow me. But these early disciples knew they wanted to follow Jesus, and they did. Sometimes you will have to lead, and sometimes you need to follow.


Have you ever gotten lost while you were traveling?  In my previous profession, I got lost a lot. This was before GPS, LOL!  And often after much worry and fretting, I would stop and ask if anyone knew where this place is. Sometimes people would respond, “I know exactly where that is! I will get in my car and lead you there. Follow me!” There was pure relief and joy of having someone help get you exactly where you want to be after struggling and worrying. How thankful I was and how big of a deal it was for me. I know this is the kind of happiness God wants for everyone. We too have the opportunity to be the calm voice to help someone find what they are looking for or where they want to go.


Maybe following is inviting a friend to church, and being there waiting for them when they arrive. Maybe following is simply sitting with a neighbor that is going through a rough time. Maybe sometimes we need to hold a hand and say a prayer with someone. 


We all have something in us that can make something better for others. Wherever the road of life takes you, look for the opportunity to be kind and loving to others.  Follow that good feeling. We are all called to be disciples.


Dear God, as I travel down this road that you have so graciously given me, guide me to be a disciple for you. Give me the strength and the ability to welcome others to your word.  Amen


“In the beginning was the Word.  And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  John 1:1 


Submitted by Steve Kruse

Samuel Anoits David

Looking at People through God’s Eyes

1 Samuel 16:1-13 

Today our Biblical Road Trip stops on 1 Samuel 16:1-13. These verses say "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." On a road trip you typically get to know those you are traveling with pretty well. For example, the youth group just took a mission trip and I can personally tell you that when you sleep in a wagon with 5 other people, you really get to know them. I really got to know where their hearts were at. Some had their hearts set on family, others were set on fun, and some were set on food. Actually, that might have just been their stomachs.


In all seriousness, we shouldn't be focused on the outward appearances of others, we should be focusing on what their hearts are saying. In order to see their hearts truly we need to take a journey with God. On this journey we have the most trustworthy driver. His name is Jesus. He not only died for us but guides us as well. In addition to that we also have the best GPS of life which is the Holy Bible.


But before we can look at anyone else's hearts we need to look at our own. In Jeremiah 17:9 We find that it is written "The heart is deceitful above all things". Sometimes we find that the majority of our problems in life, happen because we are leaning on our own understanding and not always following what we are told to do by God. In Proverbs 3:5-6 it is written "lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."


I know we all have seen our fair share of bad roads, there are always potholes or other little incidents in the road. Now I'm not saying that with God there isn't going to be any potholes or anything else, but with God the roads will be smoother. You never know what road someone else may be on, and that is why we must look at their hearts and not their outward appearances. Look at people through God's eyes not your own.


Prepared by Chase Holman a 2024 JF West Graduate enrolled at Manhattan Christian College in the fall for Pastoral studies.

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